ACT Africa: Awareness for Child Trafficking

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A Boardgame United in
Defeating GBV&F

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No To Violence And Stop The Traffic Educational Board Games

The project aims to create board games designed to educate young children of all genders about human trafficking and gender-based violence, with the goal of preventing them from becoming either perpetrators or victims.


Amidst the escalating issues of Human Trafficking and Gender-based Violence in South Africa, ACT Africa is launching a board game initiative to educate young students in South African schools about these critical subjects.

The board games, utilizing play as an educational tool, aim to impart a comprehensive understanding of the various facets of these issues. The belief is that by instilling accurate knowledge about Human Trafficking and Gender-based Violence from an early age, it can shape perspectives.

The project’s goal is to use corrective learning to ensure that children will not become future perpetrators of Gender-Based Violence or entangled in Human Trafficking, either as victims or recruiters. By recognizing warning signs and advocating against these issues, they can contribute to reducing the prevalence and breaking the cycle.

The target is to engage 13 million school children across 25,000 schools in South Africa. The games, designed to be group interactive, challenging, and engaging, cater to students aged 10 to 18, employing language that is both age-appropriate and easy to grasp.

The content will address stereotypes, provide definitions, offer safety tips regarding Human Trafficking, discuss the consequences of these issues, and share additional relevant information.

Our organization acknowledges that educational play is an effective method to not only educate but also to sustain the attention of children for extended periods.

N2V No 2 Violence Boardgame

Endorsed by the GDSD

We are proud to announce that N2V has received endorsement from the Gauteng Department of Social Development. Our board game has been incorporated into the Victim Empowerment Programme, specifically within the sheltering programme, to help prevent and break the cycle of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) at the grassroots level. This partnership enables us to reach and empower both children and adults, promoting a safer and more supportive community for all.

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